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Lot, Crypt, Niche
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For your convenience the schedule below is to help you with dates and special events at Grandview Memorial Gardens. 

EARLY SPRING: Approximately the first week in March, we will remove all winter decorations.  Please remove anything you want to save.

MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND: No restrictions except no glass containers.  All potted plants, wreaths & other decorations outside the Memorial Vase assembly should be removed within one week of Memorial Day (by the following weekend).  The groundskeeper will remove any decorations not in the Vase assembly on the Monday one week after Memorial Day. 

Veterans Flags & Bronze Stars are available at the office THURSDAY AT 8:00 before Memorial Day.  These are for use in the cemetery and will be picked up by the groundskeeper after Memorial Day.  Veterans buried in the Garden of Honor have bronze stars and flags placed by cemetery staff.

SUMMER: from one week after Memorial Day to approximately October 15th.  Cut floral bouquets or SILK artificial arrangements may be used in the Memorial Vases only.  Silk flower arrangements are available for purchase through our office.  Please remove any arrangements you want to save by October 15th. FALL: October 15th to November 1st we will be clearing the cemetery for winter and ask that you remove any decorations you want to keep.  We use these two weeks to turn vases down to prevent winter breakage and complete our final mowing and leaf pickup.

WINTER: from November 1st to early March.  No restrictions except no glass containers.  All artificial decorations are permitted.  ALL VASES must be left down to prevent freezing and damage.  Christmas wreathes are available through our office and include installation and removal.  Please pick up any winter decorations you wish to keep by March 1st.

Grandview Memorial Gardens is not responsible for any decorations lost or destroyed by weather, time or theft.  The digging of holes for any purpose is strictly prohibited.  We reserve the right to remove cut flowers & other decorations from the lot at a time when we feel the decoration has served its intended purpose & becomes unsightly rather than decorative.  Special occasions like Birthdays, etc. permit flexibility to the rules.

With your help we can keep Grandview Memorial Gardens a place of ever-increasing beauty for you to enjoy and in keeping the memory of your loved ones with whom we are entrusted.  Contact the office at 507-289-4001 with any questions.


Mausoleum Crypts & Niches

The following regulations are designed to preserve the beauty and dignity of our mausoleum.
1.  Crypts – Floral arrangements are only allowed in approved crypt front vases.
2.  Outside Columbarium – Floral arrangements may be placed in pots or vases on the counter top above the niche.
3.  No taping, wiring, or pasting of anything on crypts or niche fronts.  Damage could occur & would be unsightly.
4.  All arrangements will be removed when they become dirty, unsightly or aged.
5.  No vases, pots or easels may be placed on the floor except at and immediately following a funeral service.
6.  Arrangements placed in crypt front vases should be of such a size as not to encroach on a neighboring crypt front.
7.  Seasonal change-out of floral/wreath arrangements occurs mid November and mid March. Please contact the office if you have a top tier crypt & want assistance changing the arrangement.
